26 December 2013

2013: Year in Review

Wow, it really has been a while since I last posted any news, but better late than never couldn't be any truer in this case.

2013 has certainly been a tale of two halves. I've seen quiet times and busy times, but definitely inspiring and exciting times in amongst the chaos. In total I have worked on two short independently made films; a trailer for a horror film that went to the cannes film festival; pitched for a few TV commercials; and very excitingly signed to a newly established Brighton based music publisher Matchstick SyncOn top of everything, I was fortunate enough to play on stage once again with the GOTHMAG orchestra, at one of Bristol's most iconic venues - The Bristol Old Vic. For the first time since leaving university, things genuinely feel like they are heading in the right direction. 

2014 promises much for the future; an incredibly promising film I have been collaborating on will be hitting the film festivals (can't say too much at this stage); additionally I will be making some exciting updates to my studio and performing live at the Bristol Louisana on April 17th in support of my good friends Levi Valentino; plus on a personal and more exciting note I will be marrying my partner of 6 years, Emma, in September! 

Thank you to everyone who took interest in my work this year, I wish you all the best for 2014. 

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible."


23 May 2013

"The Haunting of Harry Payne"

I was recently asked to co-score a trailer for a feature length British horror film by fellow composer, Alex Ball. I've always wanted to write music for something as deliciously dark as this is, so it's certainly a massive ambition of mine fulfilled and for that i owe many thanks to Al for bringing me onboard. Click here to watch!