22 July 2011

Killing Bill Gates...

Hmm, perhaps I should firstly begin by explaining the title of this post... fear not my good men and women, I do not intend to kill Bill; last time I checked my name was not Uma Thurman, and I was certainly not as hot.

So, Killing Bill Gates is in fact the title of a play that will be performing throughout Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August. Earlier this month, I was lucky enough to be asked by director Josh Vince, of Mechanical Tiger Productions to create 3 instrumental tracks for the play.

With my recent move back to Bristol, I enlisted the help and compositional skills of my good friend Daniel Weismayr, who teamed up with me to write the music. Both Dan and I would like to thank Josh for taking us on board for the project and we wish him and his team the best of luck for the festival.

Other news aside, I have posted a few new tracks on my soundcloud profile, check them out!
