28 February 2011


Hi all, cool bit of news to report here,

I was recently contacted by Kathleen, a marketing associate from the company Chooseco, who were the publishers for the original choose your own adventure novels. Kathleen had stumbled across my idea for a choose your own adventure musical whilst searching online and confirmed that it was the first she'd encountered of its kind. This was really kind of Kathleen and very encouraging to hear, big thanks to her for contacting me.

My current adventure, Aenigma, is on hold for the meantime as I'm currently working on various other projects and assignments at Unversity. The idea is that I will continue to write and produce music for this in the near and long term future, with the intention to create new adventures beyond Aenigma, for all my listeners.


6 February 2011



  • Pixel Soldier (co-score with Alex Ball) (dir. Chris Landy)
  • Goodperson & Shitboy: Shitboy Rents a Video - (dir. Kurtis Scott)
  • Own Little World - (dir. Thomas Kelly)
  • Delighterful - (dir. Billy Odell)
  • Blanco - (dir. Raquel Felgueiras)
  • Lost Sands (dir. Aaron Babla)
  • Project Moz - Pedro's Story - (dir. Thomas Kelly)
  • Northbrook College: Apprenticeship Courses Promo DVD - (dir. Stuart Kuhn)
  • Trailer for 'The Haunting of Harry Payne' - (co-score with Alex Ball) - (EQ Films)
  • Slowdown - (co-score with Alex Ball) - (dir. Rob Garwood)
  • Killing Bill Gates - Comedy Drama - (co-score with Dan Weismayr)(Mechanical Tiger Productions)
TV Compositions:
  • Daily Mail Promo Commercial for UKTV - (M&C Saatchi)

5 February 2011

Big News...

I am very proud to announce that earlier this week I landed my first professional commission for a Daily Mail promo ad!!!!! As a budding media composer, this is simply the best news I could wish to share with you all and it has made me even more determined to kick on from here and forge a career in music composition.

I would like to say a big thank you to Alex Ball, music supervisor at M&C Saatchi, for putting my music forward, to all the staff at Northbrook College for their guidance and advice over the last 2 and a half years and of course to my family and friends for their continued support.

Head on over to the visuals section of this website to check it out folks!


1 February 2011


Aenigma: A Choose Your Own Adventure Musical

Hey Everyone,

So, I have an exciting idea to share with you all...

For the last few months I have been busy planning and writing a choose your own adventure musical titled 'ANEIGMA', taking the programmatic approach of writing music to a text or story (a technique used by composers such as Berlioz and Strauss) to new extremes!

The concept of the choose your own adventure novel was first pioneered by American Novelist, Edward Packard, who wrote a series of these books from 1979-1998. Throughout each book, the reader is presented with a number of multiple choice events, which in turn alters the storyline one way or another.

Since that time, video games such as Vampire the Masquerade (PC) and Heavy Rain (PS3) have adopted this idea into interactive forms. Additionally, many youtube users have also used this concept for their videos on the net.

For my project I have written a storyboard, which I have used as the inspiration for my music (and vice versa) - think of it as a movie soundtrack without the movie!!!! I will be posting the first chapter: The Foreign Room in the subsequent post to this, along with the scene description - once you have decided which way you want to turn, ahead across to the next track as pointed out. Please note: this is still a work in progress and so the next few chapters will be posted as soon as they are completed.

The absolutely amazing artwork for this project has been created by my good friend Damian Schofield, big big thank you to him. I would also like to thank Nigel Rippon for creative guidance, Alex Ball on violin, Dan Weismayr on Bass and Ben Simmonds for advice on production.

Hold tight and enjoy!
