Firstly, I hope you all had a great summer, mine flew by way too quickly for liking! Aside from the odd acoustic gig, things on the music front were reasonably quiet for me, but the biggest news was being asked to compose for another cartoon 'Good Person and Shitboy' by Kurtis Scott, who I previously teamed up with on the Holiday Bot cartoon. I'll be posting this up soon so keep checking for updates * reminder; must find a way to keep YOU updated!!!
Next week I start my 3rd and final year at Northbrook college, where I'm studying for a Ba(hons) degree in music composition for professional film/media. The course syllabus looks incredibly busy but amazing at the same time and I cannot wait to begin. Throughout the year I'll be adding my compositions to the site to share with all you good good people, so I promise more activity on here than in recent months!!
Until next chime,