The score ranges from bit to epic, from tense to the traumatic, from electronic to orchestral and back. From the opening credits, the anticipation grows and boy does it pay off. Perhaps more importantly, at the heart of it all lies a poignancy that will resonate beyond measure.
My undying gratitude will forever go out to Alex, who scored the majority of the film, but who brought me in to score a few scenes, and of course to Director Chris Landy, who is unquestionably destined for big things.
Unfortunately, it is likely that the film will not hit the internet for quite some time, due to the restrictions placed on film festival submissions, but when it does - the word 'viral' comes to mind, and I don't mean the type that crawls down your throat and makes you cough. In the meantime, talk of private screenings are stirring (more on this to come) - plus Alex and I will be making the soundtrack available for purchase, with bonus tracks and other remix goodies included. watch this space…
Current Mood: Excited